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Kemp lab uses genome-scale modeling to understand tumor metabolism and predict tumors’ responses to radiation therapy

Multidisciplinary researchers uncover new ways to use ultrasound energy to image and treat hard-to-reach areas of brain

BME's May Wang leading three of the seven projects in new initiative to improve lives of pediatric patients

Undergraduate researchers help Cassie Mitchell turn millions of studies into actionable insight

A trio of Atlanta health care and research institutions will play a leading role in helping to evaluate potential COVID-19 tests.

The hope of flickering light to treat Alzheimer's takes another step forward in this new study, which reveals stark biochemical mechanisms.

Researchers have received funding to screen and evaluate adjuvants that may improve the ability of coronavirus vaccines to simulate the immune system.

A new collaborative research effort will help children with cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury and other conditions.

A simple, low-cost ventilator based on the resuscitation bags carried in ambulances has been designed and tested.

Two Atlanta universities have created barrier protection devices designed to contain the droplet spray and aerosol produced during certain medical procedures.

Marilyn Brown, Thomas Kurfess, Susan Margulies, and Alexander Shapiro join 83 other new National Academy of Engineering members for 2020.

Chemotherapy has gotten the blame for this neurological side effect, but it's cancer's fault, too.

The Georgia Tech community is working together to help meet the needs for personal protection equipment for health care workers.