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The NIH-funded program is designed to train a new generation of biomedical researchers and thought leaders to harness the data revolution.

New research by Georgia Tech and Emory University sheds new light on the mechanics and physics of blood clotting and could lead to better ways to treat clotting and bleeding issues.

Two interdisciplinary research teams have been awarded 2021 Petit Institute Seed Grants.

Desai, Kwong, Platt, Qiu, and Wang receive three-year fellowships

Engineering Honor Society introduces 88th class of graduate fellows

Melissa Lokugamage Joins VC Firm to Guide Biotech Startups

Four BME faculty developing new tools to bridge the research gap

Safety, tolerance, adherence get high scores in first human trial

Promotions announced for BME professors Kemp, Kwong, and Le Doux

BME Capstone team addresses mobility challenges for young spina bifida patient

By understanding transmission of acoustic waves through microstructure in an individual’s skull, non-invasive ultrasound imaging of the brain and delivery of therapy could be possible in a greater number of people.

New research from BME’s Annabelle Singer links synaptic dysfunction with neural activity essential to memory

BME's May Wang leading three of the seven projects in new initiative to improve lives of pediatric patients

The project focuses on understanding normal heart development and what can go wrong in those processes and lead to severe defects.