The overall objective of the research in the Lu group is focused on developing various novel high-throughput technologies for fundamental biological studies and biomedical or clinical applications. We have developed several microarray technologies for detection of genomic DNA methylation, functional single nucleotide polymorphysms (SNPs), multiple viruses, DNA binding proteins, capturing and identifying cells in various clinical samples. More recently, we developed the novel instruments and assays of new generation DNA sequencing. We are also developing the microdroplet systems for single cell sequencing and haplotype sequencing.
The algorithm and software tools are developed for analyzing and integrating the different omics data from biological and clinical samples, such as RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc. We try modeling the gene regulation networks and understanding the genomic evolution from the new angles. Furthermore, we will integrate high throughput molecular information and meta-medical information together in order to lead the future health informatics for personal medicine.